on Sustainability

Casa Cerro da Correia has integrated the sustainable tourism certification project of Biosphere. This process began in September and involves consultancy and training not only in environment protection but also in management and in social and cultural areas.

The impact of a business, whether positive or negative, is not only felt in the environment. It is important to achieve a long-term balance between all those dimensions, based on the principles of sustainability and continuous improvement of the activity.

Casa Cerro da Correia's relationship with the community is manifested in a variety of ways, including the acquisition of food products from local suppliers and producers. Within our experiences we aim to show the stories and activities of the region and explain the complex, but delicate, ecosystem of Serra da Estrela. Cost analysis and the promotion of ethical management are, among others, fundamental elements for our financial and economic sustainability.

At the base of the company's formation (we started with the accommodation and, in 2018, we advanced with the experiences), is the connection to the territory and the care with the nature. For example, the design of our activities always comes from what surrounds us, be it the environment or the local professions. 

The quest for sustainability has no end. There will always be something to do to get better.
